On Friday, May 3, 2002 the GPW, Bantam Trailer
some appropriate WWII field gear made a visit to
Ms. Granger's and Mr. Delano's sixth grade classes
at Mt. Ararat Middle School in Topsham, Maine.
The blustery and showery weather let up long enough for the two classes to come outside to look over the jeep and trailer and the associated gear and equipment. The students were participating in this visit as a part of their studies of WWII. They had previously been visited by several WWII veterans and survivors and listened to their tales. The focus of my visit was to talk about the contributions made by everyone on the "Home Front" and to impress upon the students the enormous production of materials as well as the important innovations made by the men and women of the U.S. during the war.
Here are a few of the photos that the students took duing the visit....
Student's learned the "quick way" to identify a
I talked about the similarities between U.S., British, and
gas cans...
Ms. Granger and part of the class look over the front of the 1942 Ford GPW (jeep)
Everyone got the chance to look over, handle, inquire about, and
the piles of "stuff" which represented the wide variety of material
for the war effort.
It was a "hands-on" experience ! I believe that the hand-crank field phones and the helmets were a big hit...
I had a great time talking with these curious and respectful
Their many questions and comments made me realize that their study of
had made made an impact on how they view this important piece of U.S.
email me at -----> jeepguy@dialmaine.com